Why manage ongoing change?

by | Feb 23, 2022 | Change Management

Successful businesses rarely stay stagnant. Business leaders are always looking for new ways to improve performance and create growth opportunities. When these areas are realised, change will occur.

What is Change Management?

Change Management is now being recognised as a core competency, and should not be confused with Project Management. Change Managers focus on the people affected by a project, Project Managers focus on the processes and activities needed to complete a project. Both disciplines are required to realise the benefits of a project.

Change Managers ensure change initiatives (or projects), lead to a desired outcome by increasing employee adoption and usage. This person focuses on the people side of change, those areas may include changes to business processes, systems, technology, job roles and organisation structures. Without consideration to managing change there is a risk that employees will not understand or commit to the shift leading to expensive and time consuming transition periods, loss of productivity and ultimately failure.

The most common considerations when developing a Change Management plan will include:

  • Readiness Assessment
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Communication Plan
  • Learning and Development
  • Resistance Management
  • Impact Assessment
  • Sustaining Change

The Shape Tomorrow team includes Change Management Practitioners that are able to work alongside businesses in supporting them through change initiatives. Get in touch for more information.